Item Name Size Last Modified
SC020 XRR 32 slit.csv 15487 2019-09-10T19:42:41Z
SC020 XRR 32 slit.xrdml 7370 2019-09-07T01:24:47Z
SC020 th2th pixcel7 1_2 slit.csv 12362 2019-09-10T19:42:34Z
SC020 th2th pixcel7 1_2 slit.xrdml 6928 2019-09-07T01:43:50Z
th2th.pdf 170796 2019-09-08T19:09:17Z
th2th2.pdf 170800 2019-09-08T19:23:51Z
xrr.pdf 169505 2019-09-08T19:09:49Z

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