Item Name Size Last Modified
SC008 GeO2 002 rocking curve.xrdml 5163 2019-09-04T08:04:23Z
SC008 RSM 1_32 slit better resolution.xrdml 1631519 2019-09-04T07:44:21Z
SC008 RSM 1_32 slit.xrdml 2173164 2019-09-04T07:26:16Z
SC008 TiO2 002 rocking curve.xrdml 10183 2019-09-04T08:38:16Z
SC008 XRR 1_8 slit.csv 21364 2019-09-10T19:32:45Z
SC008 XRR 1_8 slit.xrdml 8403 2019-09-04T06:43:17Z
SC008 th2th pixcel7 half slit.csv 15827 2019-09-10T19:32:32Z
SC008 th2th pixcel7 half slit.xrdml 7648 2019-09-04T07:10:09Z

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