Item Name Size Last Modified
SC001 XRR.csv 14519 2019-09-10T19:29:53Z
SC001 XRR.xrdml 7858 2019-09-02T20:15:05Z
SC001 th2th 002peak Pixcel 5.xrdml 8824 2019-09-02T18:46:39Z
SC001 th2th 002peak Pixcel 7 remeasurement.csv 15793 2019-09-10T19:29:43Z
SC001 th2th 002peak Pixcel 7 remeasurement.xrdml 7614 2019-09-02T22:23:17Z
SC001 th2th 002peak RSM.xrdml 1633427 2019-09-02T19:11:34Z
SC001 th2th 002peak TA.xrdml 12338 2019-09-02T20:46:47Z

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